Noëlla Bot Information

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To invite Noëlla to your own Discord Guild, click on the image down below!
In case you have issues or problems with Noëlla, you can always join the developers Discord.
Simply by using the command: n!discord or click here Join Noëlla’s World.
Noëlla is an open source project, that is not so open source! Make up your mind!!.
Everyone can sent their issues always to Noëlla’s Github on the Issues page.
If you wanna contribute something to Noëlla then you’re always welcome!
You can always contact me Ashley or Join Noëlla’s World.


Noëlla is still in a pre-releases state.
Please file an Issues if you find anything wrong.
Or for all the lazy one under us, you can use: n!feedback [message]


Not all features in Noëlla are done or finished.
If you found an issue, please check the Issues section first before posting.